Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our True Nature

This year’s big question for VBS was, “What is your true nature”?   They talked about who you think you are and how others really see you.  And that even though try to hide your true nature,  but hard circumstance often reveal our true nature.   The VBS program then had us ask some really great questions that are relevant to all ages.

1.       Where does your Peace come from?  Answer: Psalms 46:1

2.       Where do true riches come from?  Answer: Philippians 4:19

3.       Where do you draw true power from to avoid Temptation?  Answer: 1 Corinthians 10:13

4.       Where do you go to find True Love?  Answer: 1 John 3:16

5.       Where do we find true Hope?  Answer: Psalms 33:20-21

Our true nature is shaped by how we answer these 5 questions.  But it is not only about knowing the right answers but it come to living them as well.  As I think about this I cannot help but compare it to how computers and my smart phone process information.

Whenever I add a new piece of software it changes my technology by adding functions to make it better or more complete. For example, I have an app on my phone to track all my family’s schedules in one place it streamlines my life, it keep track for whom, where and when each event happens.  Then sends me reminders about when everything is scheduled to take place.  What a great tool to have right at my finger tips.  It changes the nature and value of this device.  Kind of like our VBS challenged us to change our nature.

But when you add programs or apps like this to my computer or my phone it involves a two step process.  The first part is the Download.  In this process the phone collects all the information it will need to perform these new tasks.  When we come to Church, read our Bible, or listen to someone teach about the Bible we are in this download process. We are gathering information that can change our lives and impact our nature.  But as we all know, just knowing something is not the same as using the information in our lives.

The second process my phone does is the installation.  It takes the downloaded information and tells the phone what to do with it.  If I installed a game it would tell the phone how I would use the phone to control the game, and what to show on the screen, where to save progress and so on.  Once all the connections are made the app functions correctly.  But sometimes when I go to add a new app, the two steps of the process do not happen automatically.  Then I am frustrated when my phone will not do what it is now suppose to do.  To make the new app work I have to go back and install it manually.  This is much like the Christian life, it takes time and intention to take what we learned about God and make it part of our life. It also takes a willingness to be changed, ever notice how you will try to make a change on your computer a warning will pop up and ask if you really want to do what you just told the computer to do.  How many times do we go to make a change and once we start we stop the process and end up unchanged. Knowing all the right information is not enough, we have to install it into our lives and be willing let it change us.

So for our true nature to be changed we need to listen to God and learn from his word, this is the download.  Then I have to take the information and let it begin to change how we think and act this is the install.  We have to internally let God test us and examine our heart and minds to see if the information is just downloaded and stored.  We do this to allow God to Change our true Nature.

Psalm 26:2
Test me, LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind;